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New Adventurer Guide

Creating a Character

When you first begin this process, you will have to choose a first name for your character. This can be quite difficult because many names are taken. Unless you are extraordinarily lucky, you will have to try several names and may even have to invent one. Another option is to look around for names that exist in other cultures.


When you are creating a character (also known as rolling up), there are eight different attributes or statistics to consider. Each race has a maximum number for each stat that a character may be created with. For example, a human may achieve ten in each of the attributes. You automatically now roll a perfect 80, but the bonuses and penalties of each race affect their possible beginning stats. Each penalty or bonus racial modifier results in a loss or gain of 2 from the standard 10. For example, Halflings, who have a penalty of +2 to strength can have a maximum of 6 in strength when being created. You can find out more about statistics here. You can see the beginning stats for each race within their own sections here.

Choosing a Race

Humans are as standard as you can get and have neither penalties nor bonuses to any statistic. If you are uncertain about what race may be good for you or new to roleplaying games, this is a solid choice, though you may find it is less fun to roleplay than other races. You can find out more about Humans here.

Dwarves are a short and sturdy race of people who tend to be quite proud of their full beards, even the women! They are slow moving with penalties to reflex and agility, but possess bonuses to discipline and stamina. Only Dwarves can braid their beards and show emotions by grunting. You can find out more about Dwarves here.

Elotheans are a willowy race, known for being intellectual, who believe themselves to be the favored children of the gods. They possess good reflexes, wisdom, and intelligence, but are lacking in strength and stamina. Occasionally, Elotheans are born with cat-slitted pupils, which are referred to as savant. You can find out more about Elotheans here.

Elves are known for their height, grace, charm, wisdom, and beauty. They are somewhat lacking in strength, discipline, and stamina, but many feel the bonuses to reflex, agility, and charisma more than make up for the penalties. Elves have a unique greeting for each other and blush with their ears. You can find out more about Elves here.

Halflings are small, mischievous, often clever and humorous, and possess an ability to get into trouble that is almost unparalleled in Elanthia. They lack strength, discipline, and wisdom, but have good reflexes, agility, and stamina. Olvi, as they call themselves, can master smoke images, a feat no other race has managed, and often enjoy having their feet brushed. You can find out more about Halflings here.

Gnomes are the smallest of the races and suffer from a lack of strength and stamina. To balance out those losses, they are agile, intelligent, and possess excellent reflexes. While gnomes are incapable of bashing their way through life, they are sharp enough to know that strength is not the only solution. Being tiny, gnomes are the only people who can ride goats (if lucky enough to own one) and climb inside boxes to dismantle them by kicking the sides out. You can find out more about Gnomes here.

Gor'Togs are the biggest and strongest of the races. While some may feel that their lack of reflexes, wisdom and intelligence is too daunting, you should remember that they are extraordinarily strong and possess great stamina. Due to their strength, Gor'togs have an easier time than other races when dismantling boxes by crushing them. You can find out more about Gor'Togs here.

Kaldar resemble humans, but are taller and tougher. They are lacking in wisdom and intelligence, but are strong and charismatic. Kaldar have a unique way of hailing each other and have a special pose that demonstrates their strength. You can find out more about Kaldar here.

Prydaens are a proud and graceful blend of humans and felines who have short fur, slitted eyes, pointed ears, tails, and claws. They are charismatic and have excellent reflexes, but lack wisdom and discipline. Prydaens enjoy unique verbs for their ears, tails, and purring. They can also dismantle boxes by clawing them apart. You can find out more about Prydaen here.

Rakash are normally human in appearance but become half-wolf when the moon Katamba is full, gaining tails, pointed ears, and fur. They have good stamina, reflexes, and discipline, but lack wisdom, agility, and intelligence. When in moonskin, Rakash have unique verbs for howling as well as their tails and ears. You can find out more about Rakash here.

S'Kra Mur are a mingling of humans and serpents who have scales, slitted pupils, tails, and no ears. They are strong and possess good reflexes, but lack wisdom and intelligence. Only S'kra can bask without looking silly and they also have unique hissing, tail, and crest (if shifted) verbs. You can find out more about S'Kra Mur here.

After you have chosen your character's race, you then get to choose what your character looks like. After choosing a name and race, this should be easy for you! If you are a premium member, you can also choose your character's age and birthday.

Choosing Guilds

Once you have chosen a guild, it can be found by entering DIR <name> guild. For example, DIR ranger guild. (The DIR command will be discussed in further detail in the Getting Around Town section.) This section will discuss each of the guilds briefly in order to help you choose one. Please note that the below summaries are not meant to suggest you cannot join any of the below guilds and excel at their tertiary skillsets, merely that doing so will be more difficult.

Skillsets refer to the five groups of skills, armor, lore, magic, survivals and weapons. When a skillset is primary, it means that this group is the one you will learn the most easily. Secondary skillsets are harder to learn than primary, but easier than tertiary. Following this line of reasoning, tertiary skills will be more frustrating and difficult to learn than either primary or secondary ones.

Please note that all ranks under 50 will drain as if they are in your primary skillset and all ranks under 100 (that are not in your primary skillset) will drain as if they are secondary.

Barbarians are renowned for their skilled use of weaponry and are also good at learning armors and survivals. This guild has difficulty with lores and does not believe in training or using magic. If you want a guild where you must spend a great deal of time in combat and do not want to worry about understanding magic, this is probably the guild for you. You can find out more about barbarians here.

Bards, not surprisingly, are known for playing instruments. All instrument skills fall under the category of lore, which is this guild's primary skillset. Magic and weapons are secondary here, leaving survivals and armor as tertiary. If you desire a guild where you can spend a lot of time indoors, often around other people, this may be the one for you. You can find out more about bards here.

Clerics are usually associated with using magic to aid the dead and to fight undead. They excel at magic, but are also good with weapons and lore. Survivals and armor are difficult for this guild. If you want to help others and fight evil, this could be a good choice. You can find out more about clerics here.

Empaths heal people by use of a lore skill called empathy. Excelling at lores, empaths are also good at magic and survivals. This guild is weak in armor and weapons, which is just as well because they cannot bring harm to living creatures without suffering shock. If you dislike hunting and bloodshed, this is your best option. You can find out more about empaths here.

Moon Mages are the most esoteric of the guilds, often visualized as gazing up at the skies and searching for hints of the future. Magic is primary here with survivals and lores secondary. Combat skills are more difficult and it is a rare moon mage who can be said to be a great warrior. If you prefer to avoid combat as much as possible and do not wish to be an empath, this could be a good guild for you. You can find out more about moon mages here.

Paladins are known for their expertise with armor. They are also good with weapons and lore, but have difficulty with magic and survivals. If you desire to play a combat-oriented character who may come off as righteous and honorable, this may be the guild for you. You can find out more about paladins here.

Rangers are most comfortable in the wilderness and are known for their ease around wild animals. Excelling at survivals, they can also become quite skilled at armor and weapons without too much difficulty. Magic and lores are more of a challenge here. If you desire a solitary character who is at home both in the forest and on the battleground, this is a good choice. You can find out more about rangers here.

Thieves are known for their use of stealth. Survivals are primary here, followed by weapons and lores as secondary skills. Like barbarians, thieves do not require the use of magic. If you prefer sneaky maneuvers and stealing instead of open combat, this could be the guild for you. You can find out more about thieves here.

Traders are the moneymakers of the guilds. While people of other guilds may become wealthy, it is this guild that strives for wealth from the beginning. They excel at lore and are good at armor and survivals. Weapons are more difficult and magic is unnecessary. If making money and travel are for you, this guild is a good choice. You can find out more about traders here.

Warrior Mages combine mage craft and combat. Excelling at magic, warrior mages are also good at lore and weapons. Armor and survivals are difficult for this guild. If you want a character who can use weapons well and cast offensive magic, this could be the guild for you. You can find out more about warrior mages here.

This section continues onto skills here.