Weapon appraisals are broken down in the following way:
>draw sabre You draw out your silver-edged sabre from the staff harness. >app sabre It is a medium edged type weapon. You are certain that it could do: heavy puncture damage low slice damage low impact damage You are certain that the sabre is fairly balanced and is fairly suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength. You are certain that the silver-edged sabre is moderately strong, and is in pristine condition. The silver-edged sabre is made with metal. You are certain that the silver-edged sabre is worth exactly 520 lirums. Roundtime: 8 seconds.
This format tends to be written in short hand when speaking of appraisals as
h/l/l f/f, meaning heavy puncture, low slice, low impact, fairly
balanced and fairly suited to strength.
What does it mean?
Every weapon (and armor) has a certain set of statistics related to how much
damage it can do, how well made it is, and how it interacts with your stats.
With a sufficient amount of appraisal skill, one can find out what the general
feel for a weapon is, but these terms are a bit vague and there can be quite
a bit of difference between two weapons which appraise the same.
Weapon Type
First we'll simply note the item which you are told about the weapon to begin
with, which is its type. Basically this just informs you what weapon skill
you'll be learning (HE, ME, LE, Light Crossbow, etc) from using the weapon.
In the case above, the sabre is a medium edged sword, so it'll teach
the medium edged skill. At the end of this document, I will list a few common
abbreviations for weapons and some examples of what weapons fall under which
Secondly there's the damage section, which is listed in order of puncture
damage, slice damage and then impact. These stats are important in finding
out just what sort of style you should use when wielding the weapon. Above
I have appraised a sabre, which is less common than the ubiquitous scimitar,
which most people tend to think of when using medium edged weapons. In this
case, the sabre is quite obviously biased towards puncture attacks, meaning
critters which don't do well against puncture are going to get hurt quite
a bit more than if they were attacked by a slicing weapon. A forged scimitar
might appraise something like l/h/p r/f meaning that it has low
puncture damage, but heavy slice, so it's more suited to slice attacks, rather
than thrusting. Blunts tend to be biased towards impact, so they'd have
appraisals more in like with l/l/h d/w meaning bash, draw, sweep
and such are more effective than jabbing.
The damage codes from lowest to highest are as follows:
none, poor, low, fair, moderate, heavy, great, severe, bone-crushing,
devastating, god-like
So, a weapon with poor puncture damage just isn't going to do as much
damage as one with moderate or heavy. It's impossible to really put numbers
on what kinds of damage you can expect with moderate vs. heavy, but the
differences are substantial in combat. I should also take this time to note
that unless you get a certain on your appraisal, there's no guarantee
that it's correct.
Suitedness and balance
Thirdly, there's the suitedness and balance of a weapon. These are denoted
above by the fairly balanced and fairly suited section. This section, until
recently was always a bit iffy, however, with new fixes implemented in the
world, balance of a weapon has become fairly important. Basically, the
balance plays off of your agility when determining how easily you're going
to hit a critter. This shouldn't be confused with how many weapon ranks you
have, as that will always be more important, but a weapon that has reasonable
balance will hit more often, or perhaps just better, with the same ranks
in the weapon than one with poor balance. Agility, balance of weapon and
ranks all play a major role in how well you hit a critter. The balance
is more important to making contact than actual damage, however, as that
is covered more by the suitedness to strength. This suitedness is covered
by the second part of that app, saying that it is fairly suited to
gaining extra attack power from your strength. Much as balance plays
off of your agility, suitedness plays off of your strength. The stronger you
are, the harder you hit, but your weapon also needs to be made to take full
advantage of your strength, needless to say, ranks in a weapon have a major
impact on damage as well.
The stats on balance and suitedness follow along the same lines as damage,
but use different adjectives. I may be wrong on some of these:
not, dismally, poorly, fairly, reasonably, well, excellently, superbly,
incredibly, unbelievably
Again, what we find is that the better suited and balanced a weapon is, the
better it is. Most store bought weapons are in the poorly and fairly area
and are just fine. Reasonably is generally the best you're going to get for
swords short of claymores, greatswords and the mod slice or impact katars
made by a few forgers.
Now there's the construction of the blade and its current state. The construction
of a weapon is of some importance as the weaker the construction, the more likely
it's going to break during combat. Any weapon below moderately strong has
a pretty high chance of getting scuffed up after a while and a very high chance
of being broken while hunting critters such as guardians and granite gargoyles,
as well as critters which parry. The latter group of parrying critters tend not
to be as dangerous to your weapon as gargoyles are, but can still pose a problem.
Moderately strong and well constructed weapons are almost immune to such breakage
but it never hurts to appraise them after you've hunted gargs just to make sure.
Again, this section I'm not too sure of the scale, but it's something like this:
extremely weak, somewhat flimsy, average strength, fairly sturdy, moderately strong, well contructed, very strong
I don't have a list of what the states of disrepair are, but the rule of thumb is
that if your weapon isn't appraising as in pristine condition, go get it repaired
as it's less effective and more prone to breaking beyond repair.
Made with
Next is what the weapon is made out of it, which is fairly unimportant, except
to tell you who can repair it. Metal shops do weapons made of metal, leather
repair shops tend to do things which aren't metal. Also would influence
dying at the Leth dyer or in Knife Clan.
The cost of the weapon is, in my opinion practically of no value. The only
thing it truly means is how much it is going to cost to get repaired. The more
expensive the weapon is, the more it costs to repair. There is very little
direct relation between its cost and how good it actually is.